
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


Brent Cross & other Barnet areas; West Kensington & Gibbs Green: Two sides of same coin?

Link to Shepherd's Bush Blog

"Our Council knows that the developer they want to sell the homes of people to, is at real risk of going belly-up ... But they are pressing ahead with a deal that will ensure they get the £100 million reward they stand to reap in payments from the developer ... Worse, the deal may not ever result in any improvements to the estate at all.

"... While the Agreement would grant the developer the right, for at least 20 years, [where have we heard that phrase before? Ah, Brent Cross!] to buy up parcels of the estates for demolition, it would not require the developer to deliver any new homes, and would not protect against the developer going bust or selling on." 

Comment on that blog (no known connection with BX Coalition):
"Hammersmith and Fulham follows the lead of Barnet, in bouncing ideas and policy off each other. In Barnet, their residents were never given a vote, but a questionable ballot containing a rather loaded question.

"It's very simiiar to the tactics used by the Borough of Barnet for their regeneration plan of the Perryfield and Marsh Estate in West Hendon, that began in 2001.

"However, 10 years on, with a new developer, following all manner of revisions to the original promise and pledge from the council, a small amount of 'shoeboxes' called homes, and mostly for sale, are being built. Most people around there call it 'Social Engineering'.

"Wish the tenants and residents of West Ken & Gibbs Green huge success in their fight for decent secure leasehold and rented council homes.

"The latest fight against a flawed project not far from Westfield is here:
http://brentcrosscoalition.blogspot.com/ and

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