
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


A Public Inquiry run by experts is still the best way to determine this new town.

The new BXC will affect the shape of North London for all future generations. The scheme should therefore be judged by at least one person with an A level in urban planning.

The system of lay councillors assessing extensions and conservatories works fine, but a new town requires expert knowledge. A longer hearing with more speakers would be better, but even if I were given a whole week to carry out a heart transplant I still wouldnt have the necessary skills and training to do a good job. Much better to leave the job to an expert.

To make an informed judgement on BXC requires knowledge of both UK and EU planning law, town planning, urban design, familiarity with good and bad practice worldwide, sociology of housing, the 2008 UK climate change laws and likely implication for urban design in the next 5 years, Zero Emission Developments, , environmental impact, a detailed knowledge of incinerator science, pollution and human health, the London Plan, TfL, transport modelling.....................
in other words a PUBLIC INQUIRY

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