
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


"I say, isn't that old Stewie? He's in Redbridge now, you know!)"

Former Barnet Planning Big Cheese, Stewart Murray
 (far left, next to Dept. for Communities & Local Gov. Bob Neil MP)
playing in the Brent Cross Cricklewood sand pit
(Click above for new 'Planning & Regeneration' Redbridge article

- registration required)

"Redbridge is one of only three English councils - and the first in London - now charging Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

"Murray says councillors saw the tariff as a way to end the 'negotiations, delays and frustrations' caused by the Section 106 regime, which will only be used to extract developer contributions for affordable homes, and site-specific mitigation measures, once councils adopt CIL. There was also growing concern that population growth was outstripping infrastructure provision, he says.  [Never a problem in Barnet, that?]
"Redbridge's CIL requires developers to pay a flat rate of £70 per square metre of new or additional internal floor space, in all locations across the borough. The borough was able to begin charging CIL this year, after councillors endorsed the report of an independent examiner, who judged last September that the proposals were sound."

Link to


  1. Will it be a surpise to anyone that Barnet Council slipped massively behind on collecting the S106 contributions due from developers and they they are also behind on spending them.

    When Mr Mustard asked to see a list of every S106 payment that was due to be paid at some date he received a huge spreadsheet. He searched for the words Brent & Cross and nothing came up. Why? because the person who sent me the list had forgotten that Brent Cross had not been put into the spreadsheet. I think the reason was incompetence not inspiration.

    A good job that I know more about the finances of the council than many officers.

  2. Stewart Murray has now got a job working for Boris!
