
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.



Some highlights from that web site ...

Above: Dr. Jorge Emmanuel, PhD., environmental scientist, offers a comprehensive introduction to explain the science and problems behind pyrolysis, gasification and plasma incineration. (He refers mainly to medical waste, rather than domestic waste.)

"New incineration technologies, like older-style burners, are expensive, inefficient and contribute to both climate change and serious public health impacts."

The report examines industry claims, health, track record of these facilities, expense, energy, impact on natural resources and the climate, and other issues.

"The current system of premiums to incineration is flawed because it penalizes saving energy." 

Due to the fact that recycling and composting do not generate electricity, they are not eligible for renewable energy premiums, whilst burning waste, which generates electricity inefficiently and is a step lower in the waste hierarchy, does get rewarded.

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