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Barnet Times: "Police called in as protesters lobby MP Matthew Offord over lack of affordable housing [at West Hendon]"

Link to web site

"Police were called to keep the peace, as tens of protesters from across the capital turned out to lobby MP Matthew Offord over the lack of affordable housing in West Hendon.

Link to
'Save Our Welsh Harp'
[West Hendon is part of the same Barnet 'Supplementary Planning Guidance' area as Brent Cross Cricklewood. It is alongside the Welsh Harp reservoir.]

"Campaigners walked from the West Hendon estate to St Matthias Church in Rushgrove Avenue in Colindale where Mr Offord was hosting one of his MP Direct meetings last night.

"Mr Offord, who is the MP for Hendon, sent out invitations to a group of his constituents, but said the 'ragtag bunch' were not on the list."

Published by 'Barnet Rebel' on 12 April 2014:
"This is a 14-minute film of the protest demo in West Hendon, London NW9, where residents marched to see their MP, to discuss the 'regeneration' of their neighbourhood. Changes mean residents losing their homes, and secure tenants and leaseholders being charged thousands of pounds for 'safety improvement works', despite their homes being due for demolition.

"The MP declared the meeting 'private', and refused to meet the plucky band of concerned pensioners, children and other worried residents.

"Inevitably, the frit MP used the police as his private security and taxi service, to prevent him meeting his own constituents and suffering tax-payers. See you on the political scrap-heap of failed politicians in 2015, [Mister] Offord."

Additional report from Mrs Angry's 'Broken Barnet' web site:

"Whose West Hendon? Our West Hendon:
MP Matthew Offord hides in a police van,
and refuses to face his own constituents"

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