
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


New cycling strategy report, for immediately to the west of Brent Cross Cricklewood

Link to Coalition member 'Brent Cyclists' (the report is a large file)
  "The study investigates the potential advantages and disadvantages of creating new cyclists in hard to reach groups, or encouraging existing cyclists to cycle more often.

"... It is hoped that the Biking Borough strategy in LB of Brent will create a step-change in cycling in the borough, leading to a critical mass of cyclists, and a mainstreaming of cycling throughout borough policy and activities.

"It is likely that there will be a number of Cycle Hubs across the borough, focused around areas where the most potential to increase cycling lies. The Biking Borough strategy will also link in with key TfL initiatives, such as the proposed Cycle Superhighways to provide the best opportunities and facilities for cyclists."

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