
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


Rubbish Brent Cross Queries

(Click above for document)
"Contrary to the way in which the matter was presented to the Planning Committee, the [recent statement] represents a fundamental change in approach by the North London Waste Authority, and this change is both unlawful and disturbing, since the development partners have been promoting the waste element of the scheme on the basis that new technologies and processes are required in the new facility.

"This should be a concern to the Council since this is the reason the development partners have been arguing that the existing Hendon Waste Transfer Station is not suitable for upgrading and needs to be relocated. What the NLWA are now saying is that, if they cannot keep the existing Hendon WTS, then they want an identical replacement facility, albeit with a materials recycling facility included.

"This is not the message that has been presented to Members or the public."

Reference: Web site of the Friern Barnet waste site campaigners, further east on the North Circular Road, on the border of Barnet and Haringey:

The seven north London boroughs
The North London Waste Authority

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