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Guardian and Telegraph: The Future of the High Street

The Guardian: "No bed of roses: Mary Portas plan gets short shrift from struggling stallholders" 

Link to The Guardian

"Mary 'Queen of Shops' Portas, the prime minister's fashionable retail guru, believes street markets are the key to revitalising Britain's dying high streets.

" 'You should be prepared to wait for a considerable time for vacancies to occur, as most waiting lists are quite long,' Westminster council warns in its street-trading fact sheet. 'It must be noted that being near the top of the waiting list does not guarantee obtaining a pitch.'

"... While Smith's Bread Man stall makes enough money to support his family, he warns that most new stalls fail. 'I've watched quite a few people try and start up around us – three-quarters of them failed within a year and the ones that survive tend to be those in chains.'

"It's a similar picture nationwide. Joe Harrison, chief executive of the National Market Traders Federation, puts the odds of survival after a year at 30-40%."

Daily Telegraph: "Mary Portas cites Barnsley market as role model to energise high street"

Link to Daily Telegraph
"After warning that town centres are facing a 'crisis point', she said car boot sales should be reintroduced to galvanise them.

"Speaking on the BBC’s Today programme, she said market towns were good examples of how to attract shoppers:
"She said: 'Everyone thinks when I say markets, I’m thinking "Let’s all sit down and have a nice organic lunch" but the most exciting market I saw was Barnsley, where it’s £10 a table [stall], and you get it all out there."

BBC Newsbeat: "Market trader responds to town centre report"

Link to BBC Newsbeat

"Retail expert Mary Portas has set our her recommendations to the government about how to revive the high street and combat the problem of empty shops.

"Among her suggestions, the former store chain executive who presented the TV series Queen of Shops says there should be less red tape for market stalls.

"Newsbeat's been getting reaction to the report from market stall holder Faye Hannah, 25, who has recently set up her own business selling personalised signs in Canterbury."

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