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Bestway to Barnet: 'Your reply is underwhelming'

To: Barnet Planning
From: Contour Planning Services (on behalf of Bestway, local business and land owner)

Thank you for your response to my letter dated 6th October (and Bestway’s letter dated 8th October).

I note your comments that on first reading, you do not believe the letters raise any new points. I am surprised you have reached this conclusion. As noted in my letter, the UDP requires the BXC application to reflect the operational requirements of the NLWA. Bestway’s eminent waste team have reviewed the NLWA correspondence (including the OBC) and are of the view that the NLWA has shifted its position and no longer requires the waste facility referred to in the BXC planning application. This places the development at odds with the UDP.

I note your comment that my letter “does not appear to raise any point regarding the application of Development Plan Policy to the proposed Waste Handling Facility which has not already been taken into account”. In response to this, I would also suggest you recheck the UDP to find any reference to “Waste Handling Facility”. This is not a matter of semantics, but a factual position, namely that a “Waste Handling Facility” (which is what is in the BXC application) is different to a “Waste Transfer Station” or “Rail Transfer Station” (which is what is required by NLWA). The applicant’s only justification as to why the existing Hendon “Waste Transfer Station” has to be relocated is so that it can be expanded to create a “Waste Handling Facility”. If the NLWA only require a “Waste Transfer Station” then there is absolutely no justification to move it and/or no need for it to be located anywhere near the regeneration site.

I note you have sought the views of the NLWA on waste matters and I would be grateful to be copied in on their response as soon as it is received by the Council. I would also remind the Council that we are still awaiting the information (requested under a FOI) in relation to the previous discussions which took place between the Council and NLWA in September. I would be grateful if any ongoing correspondence between the two organisations is included in the document bundle which we are sent.

Finally, I am surprised that you consider Bestway’s tone (in their last letter) has changed, particularly as they have generously offered to share information and facilitate dialogue with the Council, NLWA and the development partners. It would appear from your comments that you are unwilling to accept Bestway’s gesture. If this is the case, then it would be injudicious for Bestway to share its information with you, including the inaccuracies and irregularities they have identified.

I look forward to your more detailed response on this important matter.

Contour Planning Services

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