"London Communications Agency (LCA) are an award-winning specialist consultancy, focusing on London and London issues. Using our knowledge, expertise and insight, LCA bring you the latest on all the top London issues of the day."
Plenty of London news!
For instance, as shown by the red arrows in the screen-print above, there is LCA news of a by-election result in Brent:
Link to LCA web site
[Feb 2013: Brent Town Hall is being sold,
to become a French secondary school]
"The Liberal Democrats retained their council seat in the Dollis Hill by-election held in the London borough of Brent.
Alison Hopkins won the seat with 1,205 votes, beating Labour candidate Parvez Ahmed by just 37 votes.
Hopkins is a well-know local campaigner and has lived in Dollis Hill for
over 55 years. Most recently she has been fighting the council plans to
close half the libraries in the borough and the slashing of the
borough’s street cleaning budget."
Strangely, there is no mention of Alison's long-standing campaigning against Barnet's and Hammerson's Brent Cross Cricklewood development!
Numerous on-line references have been available, all ignored by London Communications Agency, and details are repeated in this latest LibDem article:
New LibDem Councillor Alison Hopkins
(2nd from right) campaigning
with Sarah Teather MP and
Baroness Ludford MEP |
"Local campaigner Alison Hopkins has become Brent's newest councillor, after winning the by-election in Dollis Hill. The Liberal Democrat candidate triumphed by 37 votes in the highly marginal ward.
"Alison is also one of the founding members of the Coalition for a Sustainable Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration, a campaign group that has worked with Brent Central MP Sarah Teather to fight Barnet's plans to build a massive rubbish dump on the doorstep of Dollis Hill." [And other aspects of the scheme.]
And WHY isn't 'campaigning against Brent Cross Cricklewood' mentioned by London Communications Agency in its 'London News'?
Oh, because (see yellow arrow below) the Brent Cross Cricklewood developers are clients of London Communications Agency, of course!
As a Brent
Councillor, Alison joins existing Brent Cross Coalition member, Labour
Councillor Shafique Choudhary.
“I’m so grateful to the people of Dollis Hill for their
support, and for electing me to Brent Council. I have actively opposed the
damaging and misguided Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration scheme for years. I
will go on fighting to stop the current plans ever being implemented. My
predecessor, the late Alec Castle, strongly believed the plans would destroy our
community, and I totally agree with that view. The massive waste dump and
disastrous road changes must be stopped. The scheme should be about people, with
improved public transport and decent housing, not just yet more
“We are
disappointed that our excellent Labour candidate narrowly failed to win the
Dollis Hill seat last Thursday. The Liberal Democrats will need to work hard to
stop us taking it next time. Nevertheless, I welcome Alison to the Council, and
we will work together to stop the Brent Cross plan, on which Barnet Council
completely failed to consult properly, here in the neighbouring borough of