
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


Hammerson: "Responding to Market Dynamics"

Link to Hammerson web site

"We aim to provide the most dynamic and exciting environments for our retailers to thrive, and their customers to shop, be entertained and socialise."

"... By 2020, it is anticipated that 75% of non-food sales will be influenced in some capacity by the internet, and 50% will be fulfilled online.

Store numbers are falling...
"... Retailers are increasingly focusing their portfolios and reshaping their estates on 'winning' locations where physical space still adds value. The total number of UK shop units occupied by chain stores in 2010 was 36,000, this [sic] number is forecast to fall by 31% in town centre locations, 2% in out of town locations and by 25% in aggregate, by 2020. Similar trends are evident in continental Europe.
... but average store sizes are rising
"As the polarisation between shopping destinations grows, retailers will concentrate investment in physical retail solely in successful shopping venues capable of sustaining larger stores, and suiting the needs of the consumer and retailer.
As retailers focus on 'top' locations
"... Our portfolio of dominant regional shopping centres succeeds in providing experience based on range and depth of offering, customer services, catering, leisure and promotional activity."

BBC: "Does the UK need an economic Plan C?"

Link to web site and iPlayer

"The Royal Society of the Arts has asked a number of experts to look at how the UK might cope with long-term very slow growth.

Economist Vicky Pryce says the aim is to get the population to agree that growth is a 'good thing'. She told the Today programme:
"Low growth could be good for 'uniting opinion'. There's nothing like a period of slow growth to concentrate the minds".

Link to Newsnight and iPlayer
BBC Newsnight:
"Jeremy Paxman is joined by Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, Ken Rogoff, and Greek minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou [and others] to discuss the economic future for [the UK,] Greece, Europe and the world."

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations AT BRENT CROSS, 2–5 JUNE

"FREE Make & Paint Parties, everyday at 11am–1pm and 2pm–4pm

"Bring your little ones along to make banners, crowns and flags, to wear and wave throughout the celebrations!

"Plus, you can watch full coverage of the garden parties,Thames [sic] Jubilee Pageant, Service of Thanksgiving and the Royal Procession on our big screens as they happen!
Bank Holiday Opening Times:
Saturday 2 June 9am – 7pm
Sunday 3 June 12noon – 6pm
Monday 4 June 10am – 6pm
Tuesday 5 June 10am – 6pm
"Average making and painting time approx 15 minutes. One souvenir per child. Children must be accompanied by an adult during their session. Places subject to availability."

Will Hammerson or Westfield win in the Great Battle of Croydon? John Lewis is the prize

Link to Croydon Guardian

"Speculation John Lewis will relocate to a rebuilt Whitgift Centre has been raised, after supermarket giant Tesco began preparations for a shop at the department store’s Purley Way site.

"... The Whitgift Centre is subject to a bidding war between shopping centre developers Hammerson, which owns Centrale, and Westfield."

'Building': "The business case for sustainable buildings, as well as the risks"

Link to 'Building' web site
(and sample text)

"The need to deliver a more sustainable built environment is one of the biggest challenges facing the construction industry. It is a challenge that impacts on the entire supply chain, from funder to end user, and will become progressively tougher over the next seven years. 

"This white paper examines the drivers behind this agenda, the regulations and incentives being used to realise it, and how the industry is responding. The ability of firms to understand and respond to these challenges by delivering better performing buildings cost effectively is a key requisite for survival in today’s tough market.

"The government has set the target of reducing carbon emissions 80% by 2050, compared with a 1990 baseline, and says emissions from all buildings will have to be reduced to practically zero. As part of this trajectory, the government has set a goal of requiring all new buildings to be zero-carbon by 2019. 

"These demanding targets are being realised by increasingly onerous regulation, planning requirements, and for public sector projects, funding conditions. Each iteration of Building Regulations ushers in bigger carbon reduction targets, that are matched in turn by corresponding changes to these other requirements."


Sun 10 - Mon 11 June: "My Brent Cross"

"I'd like to invite you to see my upcoming photography show 'My Brent Cross', as I think it could be something you might be interested in.

"As a resident of the Brent Cross area, I've been very interested in the planned regeneration programme, and for the final year of my Photography degree, I have been working on a series exploring this theme.

"The series is about Brent Cross - the area, the shopping centre, and the people - as they are now - from the perspective of an emerging artist who lives in the Brent Cross area. 

"These are some images from the series, and links to the portfolio are here:

"The series will be exhibited at the Middlesex University photography degree show, and it would be great if you fancy coming to see the show. 

"The exhibition will be held at the Old Truman Brewery, F- Block, 91 Brick Lane, London E1 6QL, Sunday 10th June - Monday 11th June, from 10am-7pm."

CY Frankel

Until Sat 2 June: "25% off at Sunglass Hut Brent Cross"

You need to print this voucher.
(Terms and conditions are shown.)

"With a heat wave hitting us this week, what better time to grab some sunnies!"


Evening Standard: "Forget a third runway, turn Heathrow into a garden city’"

Link to Evening Standard

"Heathrow’s runways and terminals should be bulldozed to make way for a “garden city”, says a new report to be published tomorrow.

"Former government adviser Graeme Bell said it was time to 'reinvent' the site that is increasingly ill-suited to the needs of a modern hub airport.

"... Mr Bell said the five square mile airport site would be the perfect location for a new sustainable community of more than 30,000 residents in the traditions of Hampstead Garden Suburb and Welwyn Garden City."

Homes for London: "London is a great city - but London's housing is in crisis"

Link to web site

"London's housing is in crisis - and unless the new Mayor acts quickly, things will only get worse. Finding and keeping a home is a top concern for Londoners. We've been campaigning to make sure it becomes a top priority for the Mayor too.

"At the end of April we had a major win: Boris Johnson pledged to create Homes for London. Now he’s been re-elected Mayor, we want to make sure he keeps his promise.

"This is the perfect time to set up HfL, because the way housing is managed in London has changed:
  • Boris Johnson is now responsible for Government spending on this area.
  • He has control of land and other assets that could be used to build homes.
  • He can also have a big impact on improving the private rented sector.
"We want to work with him to set up Homes for London to make sure he makes the most of these new housing powers.

"Homes for London is a campaign brought to you by Shelter." [Partners include the British Property Federation.]

London Assembly member Nicky Gavron questions the Mayor... 

[Reposted] Brian Coleman, Ten Years Ago

(And we welcome Hammerson's chums
with their renewed interest in this post.)

Mayor's answers (from 2001)
Brent Cross Shopping Centre
Question number
Meeting date

Question 1 by Brian Coleman
"Would the Mayor accept that the proposed extension to Brent Cross Shopping Centre will bring improvements to Public transport?
For example:
 - A significantly improved new bus station
 - A new bus route filling a major gap in the network between Brent Cross and Queensbury Underground Station
 - Installation of Countdown signs (showing how long passengers have to wait for the next bus) at the bus station and 112 local bus stops
 - £22.5 million over fifteen years to contribute towards the cost of implementing a sustainable transport policy for the Centre through an innovative transport forum including representatives from the Centre's owners, the Council and Transport for London.
 - And that car journeys to Brent Cross would reduce by 3%."
Answer by Ken Livingstone (1st Term)
"I fully support proposals to improve public transport services at Brent Cross. I urge the shopping centre's owners to work with TfL and others to make those improvements without delay. I reject the notion that such improvements depend on a massive extension to the shopping centre.
The extension to Brent Cross would not reduce car trips by 3%. There would be a modal shift of 3% from car to public transport. This has to be seen in the context of an overall increase in all trips, including an increase in the actual number of car trips " albeit a reduced proportion."

Mayor answers to London
Brent Cross car parking
Question number
Meeting date

Question 2 by Brian Coleman
"Would the Mayor accept the proposed extension to Brent Cross would introduce a charging policy for extensive areas of car parking that is currently free of charge and that his objection to the extension is therefore contrary to his expressed views on car usage?"
Answer by Ken Livingstone (1st Term)
"Free car parking in large out of town shopping centres such as Brent Cross are clearly attractive to car borne shoppers, rather than using other more sustainable means of transport. Charges at Brent Cross or any other large regional shopping centre would be welcomed in principle providing that these were set at an appropriate level to deter car use, whilst at the same time alternatives to the car were improved, particularly public transport. This would also have to be taken in the context of the overall impact of the proposals, the transport package and the negative impact on the surrounding area and road network arising from the increased attractiveness of an expanded shopping centre. The charges proposed for car parking were one of the positive elements and a step in the right direction for improving the sustainability for out of centre shopping development in line with my views. However, on their own they were not sufficient to overcome the serious harm that would be caused by the extension in generating increased traffic volumes. My objection is therefore to the wider strategic impact and the conflict with strategic planning and transport policies."

Mayor answers to London
Brent Cross multi-storey car park
Question number
Meeting date

Question 3 by Brian Coleman
"As the Mayor supports the Secretary of States original decision on Brent Cross does this include the Secretary of States granting of Planning permission for a new multi-storey car park?"
Answer by Ken Livingstone (1st Term)
"I supported the principle [sic] objection to the scheme to reject the retail extension. I did not support the approval of the car park. The Secretary of State's approval of the car park but rejection of the shopping centre extension may at first sight seem perverse. However, I understand the Secretary of State considered that the new car park would involve the reallocation of existing car parking spaces and improved layout and circulation, rather than any overall increase in parking numbers. On this basis he found the car park proposals acceptable and granted permission."

Mayor answers to London
Brent Cross - jobs
Question number
Meeting date

Question 4 by Brian Coleman
"Does the Mayor accept that the extension to Brent Cross will secure 1000 jobs in the most deprived part of the Borough of Barnet?"
Answer by Ken Livingstone (1st Term)
"The jobs impact of a major retail development at Brent Cross would go far beyond the immediate area of the borough. Any significant development on this scale will obviously create jobs from construction work, although this is a temporary employment benefit to the area. I do not necessarily accept that 1000 new jobs in the long term would be secured for Barnet or this part of North West London. There was clear evidence pointing to a detrimental impact on other nearby town centres including those beyond Barnet's boundary, such as Kilburn and Wembley. Real jobs in the retail trade and other areas of regeneration could be lost as shops close and businesses move out due to the improved attractiveness to shoppers relocating to Brent Cross at the expense of these other centres which are in more need of regeneration and investment."

Mayor answers to London
Brent Cross consultation
Question number
Meeting date

Question 5 by Brian Coleman
"What consultation has the Mayor had with the London Borough of Barnet on his approach to Brent Cross Shopping Centre extension?"
Answer by Ken Livingstone (1st Term)
"My officers met with Barnet Council in the autumn of last year following comments I made to the Barnet Unitary development Plan (UDP). Discussions took place on various policies including the approach to Brent Cross. The Deputy Mayor is also meeting a Barnet delegation, including the Leader of the Council, this week to discuss the Barnet UDP and no doubt Brent Cross, will be on the agenda."

Answers (it's now 2002)

Preservation of the Suburbs' uniqueness

[Supplementary question]
Question number0678/2002
Meeting date23/10/2002


Question by Brian Coleman

"As the Mayor will be aware, up there in the London Borough of Barnet, green and pleasant land, we are trying to create a new suburb in Cricklewood. Would he accept that his attitude thus far has been less than helpful? What Barnet is aiming for is a balanced community up in Cricklewood. What many residents of Barnet and politicians have concerns on is his support for a 44-storey tower on this site, which many of us consider totally inappropriate in a borough such as Barnet. Will he assure me that Cricklewood is not going to turn into another King's Cross saga, which, I fear, will see out both his and my political careers?"


Answer by Ken Livingstone (1st Term)

"Hopefully, it will not turn into another King's Cross saga because there are not going to be any tall buildings there at all because it is almost all in the viewing corridor. On this site, which I live within spitting distance of so I know it quite well, we are talking about a major new small town, in a sense. It is important to get the balance right but there are huge problems. That new small town is bisected by the North Circular and it will need a particularly imaginative bridge over that, which is not just a bridge that kids can drop rocks onto the North Circular traffic, but will actually be a bridge with shops so that it is a living bridge; you are not even aware you are on a bridge that actually connects the expanded Brent Cross with the railway lines to the South.
I can think of very few places in London where it is more appropriate to have a 40-storey office complex than exactly at the junction of Staples Corner, where it looks down on the North Circular, the A1 and the M1. It is hardly overlooking someone's back garden. It would be a huge and dramatic landmark building as people coming from everywhere else in the country actually arrive at that Staples Corner junction. Therefore, there will be a mixture of tall buildings as well as low-rise development."

Mayor answers to London

Mayor's attitutde [sic] towards Cricklewood development

Question number0682/2002
Meeting date23/10/2002


Question by Brian Coleman

"Does the Mayor accept that his attitude towards the Cricklewood development has thus far been less than helpful to this major project?"


Answer by Ken Livingstone (1st Term)

"No, in fact the reverse is true. My intervention has been much more than merely helpful, it has resulted in the transformation of the original unimaginative and unacceptable proposals into an emerging masterplan that is much more in line with sustainable development in London. I continue to oppose the unacceptable stand-alone extension to the Brent Cross Shopping Centre, which was previously opposed by LPAC, Brent, Haringey and Harrow Councils. Barnet Council, which previously supported the proposal, has now joined me in opposing it and seeking a better solution. I also opposed the stand-alone proposal for a huge car-based out-of-centre retail and leisure centre by Railtrack and Pillar on former railway land at Cricklewood, and am pleased to note that this application has now been withdrawn. Instead, I have encouraged Hammerson/Standard Life (who own Brent Cross) and Railtrack/Pillar (who own Cricklewood sidings) to work together, with my own planning team, Barnet Council and TfL, to prepare a planning framework and masterplan for Cricklewood/Brent Cross. This will be based on a new railway station on the Thameslink 2000 line, new additional public transport facilities, and a mix of retail, office, housing, hotel, community and other uses to form a genuine town centre on the railway lands and Brent Cross. The private sector interests have offered to fund an international competition to design the crucial `high street" link over the North Circular Road to unite the two sides. I am delighted that Barnet Council has decided to alter its UDP to facilitate this masterplan approach, and I look forward to joining Barnet in adopting the planning framework/masterplan in the New Year. I am excited by this constructive and successful joint working, and look forward to the benefits to Barnet, North West London and London generally in terms of new jobs, homes, a new urban centre and regeneration."


Answers (it's now 2004)

LDA Funding of Suburban Areas

Question number0805/2004
Meeting date24/06/2004


Question by Brian Coleman

"Will the Mayor be seeking to direct LDA funds to re-generate suburban areas such as the space between B&Q and Cricklewood Lane in my constituency?"


Answer by Ken Livingstone (2nd Term)

"The LDA is responsible for furthering the economic development and regeneration of the Greater London region. Since March 2000, the LDA has invested over £1.3billion and since March 2002 it has created and safeguarded over 15,761 jobs, created over 30,201 learning opportunities, supported over 1,443 businesses and reclaimed/redeveloped over 83 hectares of derelict land. The LDA does not distribute funds in a vacuum, but is guided by its statutory framework and my Economic Development Strategy. Barnet is considered to be a comparatively affluent borough, although containing small pockets of deprivation. Barnet has received a variety of funds from the LDA to support regeneration and economic development across the Borough. Barnet has benefited from the pan regional economic planning that the LDA has led and the borough will shortly benefit from the development of a sub regional economic strategy. Such planning supports the plans in the Cricklewood/Brent Cross Opportunity area."


Now 2006, with Darren Johnson

Parking at Large Developments

[Supplementary question]
Question number0846/2006
Meeting date17/05/2006


Question by Darren Johnson

"... However, it is a different picture with some of these big retail developments and the large residential developments. Was it not a consideration both with Stratford and with King¿s Cross that both of these areas breach European Union (EU) air quality limits already, and was it really responsible to provide for more car-parking provision, increasing more traffic, bringing more cars into the area, when we are already breaching EU air quality limits in these two areas?"


Answer by Ken Livingstone (2nd Term)

"As I say, King's Cross is well below, Stratford is above. The Stratford shopping development is slightly larger than Bluewater and will be competing with Lakeside and with Bluewater. As there 10 rail lines going there, there will be many more people commuting to shop at Stratford than the rivals, which just are not well served by public transport, but we got to the point, after a lot of intense negotiation that the development was not going to go ahead unless the level of car parking was going to be sufficiently attractive to the people taking the retail units. It actually came down to being a deal-breaker. It was not going to happen if we did not agree that and therefore, reluctantly, we went along with it.
This problem is that these great sorts of centres that started with Brent Cross is that they have been a disaster in environmental terms because they are totally dependent on car use. The way to tackle this is not to pick on the new ones coming up, but to have an overall strategy of reducing car use in the city. We are the only city in the world that has seen a shift from car to bus, and I think you basically need London-wide measures to tackle that and we are working on some new ones to come along to encourage people to shift from car use, and particularly the more polluting cars, into public transport."

Back with Brian Coleman

Cricklewood Station

Question number1729/2006
Meeting date12/07/2006


Question by Brian Coleman

"What is the latest on the future of Cricklewood Station? Will it be closed permanently, and what are the transport plans for the development at Brent Cross?"


Answer by Ken Livingstone (2nd Term)

"TfL are not aware of any proposals to close Cricklewood station. Network Rail has applied to the Office of Rail Regulation for consent to dispose of railway lands to facilitate the development. Although the proposal for a new station is close to the existing station, the application explicitly states that the new facility is intended to serve the development and not as a replacement for the existing Cricklewood Station."

It's 2008, with Murad Qureshi

DLR at Brent Cross

Question number0353/2008
Meeting date20/02/2008


Question by Murad Qureshi

"What is the likelihood of a finalised Brent Cross Development including a DLR style Brent Cross Railway?"


Answer by Ken Livingstone (2nd Term)

"The development framework adopted by LB Barnet makes reference to a Rapid Transport System at Brent Cross and Cricklewood. It is envisaged that this will be based on an expansion of the existing bus network and there are currently no proposals to develop a DLR style of transit system at this site.
TfL does give consideration to innovative ways of providing new means of transportation and if the developer proposed funding for a DLR type system then it would be considered in terms of its value for money, affordability, and public acceptability."


The Observer: "Payday lenders and pawn shops change the face of Britain's high streets"

Link to web site

"For the high streets which best typify Britain's economic gloom, look no further than the main shopping strips in Chatham in Kent and Walthamstow in east London. Both are riddled with shops offering payday loans, pawnbroking services and the opportunity for consumers to turn their jewellery into cash in a flash.

The 960 metres of Walthamstow high street boast, if that is the right word, 11 shops offering consumers different ways to access money fast – and at a high cost. ... Stella Creasy, Walthamstow's local MP, says: 
"I think if you mapped toxic high streets, those with lots of betting shops, 24-hour off-licences and payday loan shops, it would resemble a map of the areas of deprivation and poverty. The idea that these firms are not targeting poor areas of the country is hokum."

Town and Country Planning Association: Garden Cities and Suburbs

Link to TCPA report (PDF file)

"The UK needs more, better-quality and greener housing. Many younger people want somewhere affordable to bring up a family, and many of the older generation are looking to comfortably ‘downsize’. 

"People want to live within positive, healthy, vibrant communities with easy access to the natural environment. Alongside providing homes, we also need to create jobs and support growth in sustainable locations and bring about a transition to a green economy.

"While there is no ‘silver bullet’ solution to unlocking the potential benefits offered by new Garden Cities and Suburbs today, a Garden Cities and Suburbs Expert Group convened by leading housing and planning charity, the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), has identified the need for urgent action in five principal areas, to address barriers to the development of a new generation of world-class communities.

 Kate Henderson, TCPA Chief Executive said:
“We are currently presented with a unique opportunity to shape the future of the nation. There is no doubt that we will build new homes, but the challenge is whether we have the determination to leave future generations with a legacy of beauty and durability which truly meets the challenges of the 21st century; ensuring we have the right range of skills and expertise over the long term will be pivotal to realising this ambition.

This report sets out a clear call for action to renew our commitment to building outstanding, inclusive and resilient places that justly merit the accolade of ‘Garden Cities’.”
"A brief summary of the five principal areas that need to be addressed is set out below:

 1. Vision, leadership and governance
  • The Government must make a sustained commitment to the Garden City principles.
  • Local authority leadership and advocacy of Garden Cities and Suburbs are also vital.
  • Communities must be at the heart of debates about a locality’s future. We need a radical culture change in the governance of new communities, so as to rebuild trust in, and change public perceptions of, new communities and large scale development
 2. Unlocking land
  • The Garden City vision cannot be realised without access to the right land in the right place at the right price.
  • The key to unlocking land and aligning the vision for a new garden city or suburb is for local authorities, landowners and developers to enter into a Garden City Joint Venture of Local Development Agreement.
 3. Investing in infrastructure – balancing risk and reward
  • De-risking development for investors is the only way to unlock the potential of high-quality new communities. The Government can play a key role in laying the foundation for local action, for example by providing certainty about policy and fiscal measures in order to de-risk investment.
  • Local authorities should consider actions such as prudential borrowing against income from the New Homes Bonus. In return for greater direct financial commitment from the public sector, landowners could be expected to take a longer-term, patient and reasonable approach to assessing the value of their land assets.
 4. Planning ahead
  • A compelling vision for sustainability must be integral to new Garden Cities developed today.  Delivery of the Garden City vision requires long term holistic masterplanning which sets out with boldness and flexibility local aspirations for high-quality communities.
  • There must be an effective strategic approach to maximise certainty for business and reap the benefits of economies of scale.
5. Skills, co-ordination and delivery
  • The government should provide a ‘one stop shop’ offering local authorities and developers direct access to statutory and support bodies that will influence the evolution and content of emerging policies."

"Robin Hoyles, Group Land and Planning Director at Crest Nicholson, who have supported this publication, said:
The population is growing at its fastest rate for fifty years and yet housebuilding is at its lowest level since the 1920s, creating a very real and urgent demand. With such strong references to large scale development and Garden City principles emerging in the Coalition Government’s policies, we must seize the opportunity to deliver high quality, well-designed places which will stand the test of time.

New settlements can – if planned and delivered well – bring huge benefits to the local area, and so it is essential for existing communities to work together with developers, landowners and central and local government not only to share the risk, but ultimately to deliver places which reflect the original Garden City vision, combining the best of town and country living and creating healthy homes for working people in vibrant communities.”
"This report is a direct response to Government’s challenge for the sector to come together to show how the Garden City approach can be reinvented for the 21st Century.

"Drawing upon extensive feedback from two roundtable meetings of the Garden City and Suburbs Expert Group,  it is intended to be a catalyst for action by politicians, community and self-build groups, housing associations and housebuilders, investors and landowners, local authorities, and planners, spurring them to work together towards creating highly sustainable new communities based on Garden City principles – such as stronger community engagement and ownership, long-term private sector commitment, and visionary design."


Sun 10 June: "Greenacre Bicycle Rally" (some of it on the demoted Brian Coleman's 'Roads, Roads, Roads, and Roads')

"Now in its fifth year, The Greenacre Bicycle Rally is firmly established as the largest cycling event in the borough. Never before has there been such a fun way of raising the awareness and use of cycles in our area. Picture the scene - massed cycles, novelty bikes, fancy dress, music, flags and balloons. The cycling event of the year! Suitable for competent cyclists of all ages. (Under-12s must be accompanied.)

"We will set out on a 3-mile triangular circuit from artsdepot to Friern Barnet, Whetstone and back to North Finchley. Then we will head south for a further 2-mile circuit that takes in Church End, Finchley. There will be a refreshment and entertainment break at Victoria Park. This first stage of the rally will total 5 miles.

"After lunch, we will set off on the ‘Green Ride’ section of the rally at 2-15pm. This 5½-mile stage will take a scenic and largely car-free route along cycleways and brooks, and will finish at Swan Lane Open Space (¾-mile north of artsdepot). Tea and refreshments will be available.

"The rally will be escorted by trained stewards, St John Ambulance and police cyclists. Assemble for the start outside artsdepot, N12 OGA from 10am, for a 12noon departure. All participants must be registered. Please note Dr Bike and the registration table will close at 11-30am. Please try to pre-register by phone or email."

BBC: "A little bit of High Street nostalgia"

Link to BBC web site

"You pop out of the house, cash a cheque at Midland Bank, hire a television at Radio Rentals, buy a jumper in C&A, pick up some screws at Texas Homecare, do the weekly shop at Gateway, before repairing to Lyons Corner House for a cup of tea and an individual fruit pie.

"Ah, those were the days. In the 1970s, the High Street was a bustling place of traditional, albeit occasionally stodgy brands, untroubled by out-of-town retail parks, let alone the virtual shopping of Amazon and its internet competitors." 

Link to
[Yes, a big government announcement, over just £1.2m]

7-22 July: 'In the Night Garden' at Brent Cross

Link to competition

"Below is the trailer for the 2012 'In the Night Garden Live' UK tour, including clips from the show, the auditorium and seating, the facilities and interviews with parents, director Will Tuckett and producer Andrew Collier."

"Take a spectacular journey into the magical world of In the Night Garden! Come and join in the fun of the world’s only In the Night Garden live show – an amazing musical theatre experience for all the family. Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy and Makka Pakka are all beautifully brought to life before your eyes using full size costumes, magical puppets, enchanting music and breathtaking projections.

"In the Night Garden Live! is a sensational stage production specially created in a purpose-built showdome, entirely protected from the elements with plenty of loos, baby-changing facilities and buggy parking.

"There are two different show to choose from, and each one lasts just under an hour. In the Ninky Nonk show, Igglepiggle loses his blanket and all his friends help him find it. In the Pinky Ponk show, Makka Pakka washes everyone’s faces, until his sponge gets stuck in Upsy Daisy’s megaphone!

"Will you catch the Ninky Nonk or the Pinky Ponk?"
Parents' Reviews 
  • "We took our 2 year old and one year old , they loved every minute of it, it was fantastic.
    So well organised, and all the staff were lovely. We went to meet iggly piggle and upsy dasiy after the show; their little faces were a picture, my daughter threw herself at iggle!!!
    Highly recommend. We will be going next year.
    Claire brooks, The O2 5/5
  • "Very good value for money, top show, grandaughter loved it, recommend to anyone."
    Dee Hills, The O2 5/5
  • "We took our daughter as an early 2nd birthday treat. It was worth every penny just to see our little one's face light up, and to see her singing along with all the characters! We also met Upsy Daisy after the show, where we were given a lovely photo which we will treasure for a long time to come. Highly recommend this to any ITNG fan :)"
    Joely Thorning, Old Deer Park 5/5
  • "Great show, well organised, and watching my daughters face when the characters came was amazing, Bought a teddy and she is still holding onto it, even took it to bed. Value for money, just to see her so happy."
    Saleh Hafesji, London 5/5
  • "Both shows fantastic! Left my little man mesmerised! And meeting iggle piggle after the show, well, what can I say, it was the icing on the cake. Little man was in his element. Fantastic! A must!"
    Mrs David, London 5/5

ThisIsMoney: "Going shopping for property giant Hammerson"

Link to web site

"They have been doing the rounds Down Under for weeks. Rumours of an imminent £4.6bn or 650p a share cash offer by Australian shopping centre group Westfield for UK property giant Hammerson, owners of the Bullring shopping centre in Birmingham and Brent Cross in London.

"Speculation intensified yesterday when dealers heard that the Qataris, who already own the Olympic Village, Harrods, The Shard and swathes of Canary Wharf, could also be running the slide rule over the company."

Holiday Inn, Brent Cross: "Hotel group to adopt London Living Wage"

Link to 'Caterer and Hotelkeeper'

"Around 850 staff working for InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) will see their salaries boosted, following the announcement that the company has become the first UK hotel group to support the 'London Living Wage'.

IHG has agreed to phased pay rises over a five-year period in each of its eight managed hotels in the capital, including Holiday Inn, Brent Cross, ensuring all staff will be receiving the London Living Wage of £8.30."


Evening Standard: Westfield and White City

Link to Evening Standard

"Developer Helical Bar ... is poised to fire the starting gun on a £1.5 billion housing scheme at White City in west London.

"The firm is ready to submit a planning application for 1200 flats on the site of a former Dairy Crest plant next to the Tube station, which will also include offices and retail.

"Australian retail giant Westfield has planning permission for the extension of its shopping centre, and Imperial College is building a new campus nearby."

Hammerson and Westfield: Shopping Centre Wars - Now it turns ugly

Link to Croydon Today

"A CINEMA complex remains a vital ingredient in retail giant Westfield's £1billion investment plans for Croydon's Whitgift Centre, its development director John Burton confirmed this week.

His confidence that cinemas in a Croydon Westfield will succeed comes despite the fact that Hammerson, its rivals for Whitgift development, received planning permission for a £50m regeneration of its Centrale shopping centre in North End [including a cinema] last week."

Link to

Neil Crawford, from Hammerson, told the meeting:
"The development will help reverse the alarming decline in Croydon over the last ten years, and will be a catalyst to regenerate and revitalise the town centre."
[Regarding existing north London town centres,
Hammerson will have to use the opposite argument at Brent Cross!]


BXC Coalition briefing note, 2009: The Hammerson Dystopia

"It is, perhaps, too complimentary to call them Utopians; they ought rather to be called dys-topians. What is commonly called Utopian is something too good to be practicable; but what they appear to favour is too bad to be practicable." 

(John Stuart Mill, House of Commons, 1868)
Link to 2009 document (PDF)

"Our objective is to prevent Brent Cross Cricklewood (BXC) in the London Borough of Barnet being built according to current plans."

Daily Telegraph: "Economy '14pc smaller' than it would be"

Link to Daily Telegraph

"The UK economy is 14pc smaller than it would have been had growth stayed on the trend set before the recession struck, according to Bank of England rate-setter David Miles.

"The scale of the relative decline is deeper than any recession of the past 100 years, and is nine per cent lower than the 1973 crisis, the next worst downturn. Mr Miles said:
"The structure of this recession is different. It was triggered by what was probably the largest banking crisis in the UK’s history."
"... Mr Miles also recognised that some measures suggested the UK was operating at its productive potential, which would suggest more quantitative easing would boost inflation. But in words that echoed the International Monetary Fund, he said the alternative could be worse."

Link to The Guardian

The Guardian: "Retail figures plunge as frugal Britons postpone summer shopping trips"

"The precarious state of the high street was underlined when official figures showed that last month saw the biggest plunge in spending for two years – and experts predicted that many more shops will go bust this year. Wet weather throughout April contributed to a worse-than-expected 2.3% fall in sales volumes. 

"The grim headline figure was blamed on a sharp drop in demand for fuel after panic buying in March distorted the normal buying pattern, However, the Office for National Statistics data also reflected a collapse in demand for clothing and shoes, as the wettest April since records began saw frugal Britons postpone buying their new summer clothes."

"Hammerson Bolsters Retail Expertise"

"Our vision is to be the best owner - manager
and developer of retail property within Europe.

"Our aim is to outperform through two areas of focus:
income growth and high-quality property, both of
which are underpinned by our capital strength."

"Following its strategic announcement earlier this year to focus purely on retail property, Hammerson is strengthening its retail marketing credentials at both board and operational level, through key appointments and the creation of new roles.

"Hammerson has appointed Gwyn Burr as a Non-Executive Director. Gwyn has over 25 years experience in the retail sector, with a particular focus on the delivery of industry-leading customer service and marketing communications. Gwyn is Sainsbury’s Customer Service and Colleague Director, responsible for the interaction with 22 million customers every week.

"Within Hammerson’s UK retail team, a new role of UK Commercial Director is being created. Reporting directly to Lawrence Hutchings, MD of UK Retail, the position will have overall responsibility for leasing, catering, new business and commercialisation.

"Recognising the increasing importance of identifying and securing exciting new retail brands, Sheila King is stepping into a new role as Leasing Director, New Business. Sheila will focus on attracting emerging brands to Hammerson’s retail venues and developing retailer relationships, to continually improve the tenant mix in the UK and France.

"Stephen Brown has been promoted to UK Marketing Director with responsibility for marketing, research and customer insight. Stephen joined Hammerson in August 2010 from DSG and was previously at Home Retail Group where he had responsibility for driving Homebase’s multi-channel strategy. To ensure Hammerson continues to capitalise on opportunities represented by multi-channel retailing, it will also appoint a digital planning manager. [Alas, without capital letters on the job name.]

"David Atkins, Chief Executive of Hammerson [he's got capital letters], commented:
"The increasing complexity of identifying, securing and managing relationships with successful retailers means we need to build on our existing skills by creating bespoke roles and introducing retail expertise throughout the business."

Link to 'My Retail Media' web site:
 'Hammerson back in the frame for takeover'