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"Concerned to realise the considerable housing potential of the development capacity in London's planning pipeline [sic], and to explore how the construction sector can make a greater contribution to economic recovery, the Mayor commissioned independent consultants to identify the barriers to housing delivery in the capital.
"The report suggests that considerable private sector construction activity is underway, but has yet to inform official statistics. However, because nearly half the private sector capacity in the pipeline is controlled by companies who, for a range of reasons, are unlikely to actually build, [now, who might that be?] the full potential of the pipeline is unlikely to be realised.
"This is not the only barrier to delivery. Others include the amount of new housing on individual sites which can be absorbed by local markets; funding constraints; capacity among 'active' builders and the need for consistency in the national planning regime. Of a lesser order are constraints imposed by some of the bodies involved in local and strategic planning bodies in London.
"On 8th February 2013, the Mayor proposes to hold a symposium for strategic partners in private sector housing development to discuss the consultant’s recommendations and ways of addressing them. For further details, contact jonathan.finch@london.gov.uk."
"By and large, the developers Molior interviewed
had very positive things to say about local
authority planners and the GLA. That isn’t to say
there weren’t some gripes and moans – but the
consensus seems to be that workable deals are
struck eventually, and that the planning system
is flexible and helpful.
"The main concern amongst developers is the
speed at which the planning system operates
– there is a general feeling that the planning
system doesn’t appreciate that time is money.
"We are told that pre-application negotiations
have become elongated. One person familiar
with the way the system is working observed
that planners might consider ‘time’ to be
their main negotiating tool. Some planning
departments are considered under staffed.
"Interviewees also commented on a perceived
skills gap in some planning departments.
"A third area of concern is the range of borough
specific requirements which are unhelpful.
Examples would include:
- The requirement to replace employment
space (Lewisham / Hackney) even when
the space is un-lettable.
- The inflexibility over required affordable
housing quantities (Islington).
- The inflexibility over affordable housing mix
(Tower Hamlets).
- The borough’s own development standards
"A fourth concern is the speed with which local
planning policy alters following changes in
national guidance. Officers seem to be too keen
to stick with adopted policy when national
guidance changes in favour of developers, but
are quicker to react with changes in the opposite
direction. One might comment that such
behaviour is only natural.
"Finally, there is also evidence of what we would
prefer to call ‘questionable’ local authority
behaviour. To Molior as an outside observer the
behaviour of a minority of planning officers is, at
best, bullying. At worse … the words we would
like to use would almost certainly be struck from
this report by the GLA’s legal team.
are loath to take a confrontational stance
against such behaviour, as they are aware they
need to continue working with the boroughs
in the medium and long term. The situation is
reminiscent of the kid in the playground being
bullied, but not telling anyone – because if they
do, they are concerned the bullying will get
Link to:
"... Hammerson has planning permission for an expansion
of its shopping centre in Brent Cross,
but it is understood conditions imposed
have made going ahead uneconomic."