
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


Planning Mag: First Legal Challenge from Sue, Grabbit and Runne?

1 comment:

  1. There is no need for expansion of the Shopping Mall at Brent Cross. The present Mall is accessable, practical and manageable, those wanting something larger can go to the monster that is Westfield.

    There is no shortage of shopping outlets in the area. What is needed is affordable housing preserving the environment. This planned development which is set to take 20 years will create huge disruption to all the surrounding area, a loss of existing housing and massive burden to the already challenged infrastructure.

    The depressing conclusion drawn from Barnet's approval of this overblown scheme is that developers' money speaks louder than the desires of those who will live with the consequences and whose council tax pays the salaries of council officials. No wonder people have become so cynical and disillusioned with regard to all aspects of public and political life.
