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Transport Network "Estates without footways, homes without transport"

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"The discussion [at a meeting of Foundation for Integrated Transport] turned to the question of why transport and new homes are not meshed together in terms of funding and planning.

"Ms Raggett argued that the most important part of the spatial planning system that creates such places was the strategic housing market assessment, which bases decisions on expected population trends, 'whereas geography doesn’t really come into it. At each stage of the planning system, transport isn't really there. The trouble is transport is added on after the location is decided and then funding is a complete nightmare.'

"She acknowledged that the issue was a disconnect between planning and transport funding. Planners now their jobs but cannot get the funding, she said. As for how the situation can be improved: 'Plan new homes and transport together with co-ordinated funding.'

"Paul Crick, vice chair of the ADEPT transport board, agreed that transport is too often added in afterwards – which is too late to change people's travel patterns. Infrastructure needs to be put in upfront – at the very start, he argued."

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