
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


Is it an Incinerator?

Comment from an opponent, about a year ago:

[The plan seems to be that:] The domestic waste is dried and pelleted at high temperature in the waste plant on the Edgware Road. The pellets go on a conveyor underneath the Thameslink railway line, to the incinerator near the M1 roundabout. Ash comes out of the gasifying incinerator plant there. Emissions go up the tall chimney, next to the high-level North Circular Road flyover.

Somewhere, the heavy metals and other contaminants survive the process. Some may be in the blood-stream of workers there.

It is clearly an incinerator.

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it IS a duck.

[London's plan should be that:] We should reduce the initial production of waste, then double the proportion of waste that is recycled, up to California and western European levels. Then we should CARRY ON using land-fill as the best of a bad lot. We are not running out of space, and the increasing land-fill levies will force local authorities to recycle more.


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