
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


Rattling Barnet's Cage

Shortened and slightly edited letter from local employer Bestway Holdings Ltd., to Barnet Council

Wed 8th Sept 2010

Re - BXC Outline Planning Application C/17559/09 Brent Cross Cricklewood

It is likely that LB Barnet is trying to determine the above application under officer delegated powers.

We must again stress, and remind LB Barnet, that the above application still contains fundamental flaws. The evidence upon which the resolution to grant has been made, (and the ultimate granting of planning permission may be made), is seriously questionable, and open to a number of legal challenges.

Respectfully, we must again remind you that we are overdue a response from LB Barnet to our letter dated 5th Aug 2010 [see the letter below, in an earlier post]. We urgently require this response to answer the serious issues highlighted.

Maybe LB Barnet does not want to respond, for whatever reason. If so, perhaps you can let us know that is the case.

Finally, please provide an update, with the day and month, regarding the determination date that LB Barnet is working towards, whether approximate or specific.

If a specific determination date is being worked towards, then please have the common decency to let the interested and affected people know. It is, after all, not a secret you are entitled to withhold. However, no doubt you know this.


Bestway Holdings Ltd

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