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London Assembly: "Cycling Report - An Update"

Link to report (PDF)

"The London Assembly Transport Committee conducted an online survey of cyclists from November to December 2013, that received 6,333 responses (the online survey was self-selecting so it is not representative of all Londoners, but it did provide a way of gathering lots of views).

"Cyclist casualty rates fell by 46 per cent between 2000 and 2006, but have risen every year since then. In 2012 there were 25 casualties for every million cycle trips, compared to 19 in 2006.

"One year on from our investigation, it does not seem safer to cycle in London and there is a shortfall between what cyclists want and what is being delivered.

"The Committee has made nine recommendations to the Mayor and TfL. The recommendations include:
  • Stop underspending the cycling budget. If there is underspending on the cycling budget in one year, TfL should spend the underspend on cycling in the following year
  • Deliver improvements to the cycle superhighways and to at least 10 traffic junctions by 2015
  • Publish details of the plans for more enforcement of road safety for cyclists."

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