"A statement of common ground is a written statement, prepared jointly by the Local Planning Authority and a consultee who objects to the Core Strategy Submission document. The purpose of the statement of common ground is to set out the agreed factual information, leading to shorter proofs of evidence and saving time at the Examination in Public.
statement should contain basic information on which the parties have
agreed, such as the precise nature of the objection and proposed
changes, a description of the policy/site, its planning history and the
relevant planning policies in the Development Plan. The statement should
not include opinion or comment. Matters which remain in dispute will
be dealt with by the Inspector. The statement should complement the
proofs of evidence and not duplicate them."
(Summary from Mid Suffolk Council)
Brent Cross 'Statement of Common Ground' document (not all of which is accepted by Barnet) - two excerpts...
"It is anticipated that the BXC Development Partners are committed to progressing the project as quickly as reasonably practicable towards commencement of the development delete here: "under the permission" subject to securing the necessary planning approvals, highways orders, and site assembly. On the basis of these indicators, we expect that comprehensive re-development will commence in relation to Phase One at some time between 2015 and 2017."
[We say: This neglects the current tax-haven planning application, on Phase Seven land, which incidentally, will block all possible access by light-rail, past Phase One, for twenty years. Nice one, Hammerson!]
"The [BXC development] phasing is consistent with the Indicative Phasing Parameter Plan approved as part of the BXC planning permission. Condition 4.2 of the planning permission permits variations to this phasing, subject to satisfactorily addressing a number of tests. Hence the exact composition of each phase may change to that summarised.
"Status of Brent Cross – Cricklewood Proposal:
In the event that the development envisaged does not proceed, the Core Strategy... the saved UDP policies (Chapter 12) and the Development Framework..."
[This is if Hammerson walks away.]
Click either nose below, to read the Common Ground 'Fully Monty':
![]() | ||
Barnet Local Development Framework: Core Strategy:
"Statement of Common Ground between
London Borough of (Broken?) Barnet
and the
Brent Cross Cricklewood Development Partners" (Boo! Hiss!) |
The Examination in Public will take place from
Tuesday 6 December
Wednesday 14 December
in Committee Room 2 at Hendon Town Hall.
And what can go wrong, and even worse.
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