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[Reposted from Aug 2013] The Guardian: "The death of the middle class will undermine our democracy"

"The squeezed middle yelps. Indeed, on the latest statistics, it is gasping for air. Will they riot, or form an orderly queue to loot Debenhams?"

Link to web site

"A while back we heard a lot about the 'squeezed middle', the decent, hard-working people who were having to tighten their belts or expand them according to the price of spelt. No more long breaks at Easter. More Lidl, less Ocado. Less discussion of house prices, more of the cost of education, all of this underpinned by a niggling anxiety about long-term employment.

"Sure, zero hours and freelance life is great for young 'creatives'. Less good if you have children, ever get ill, or (and this may come as a blow) you are not actually a 'creative' but a worker. A middle-class one with a salary, but a worker nonetheless.

Workers should be able to save, but are finding it impossible. The squeezed middle yelps. Indeed, on the latest statistics, it is gasping for air."

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