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"One of Britain's biggest landlords has labelled a quarter of all shopping space as 'technically obsolete' as ailing high streets struggle to cope with the onslaught of online retail.
"Chris Grigg, the chief executive of British Land, which owns half of the Meadowhall Centre in Sheffield and freeholds for Debenhams, B&Q and Homebase, predicts that crumbling shop parades will gradually be taken out of use:
"It doesn’t mean they won’t continue to be used to some extent for some years to come, but they are likely to be become more marginal. What will do well are the modern shopping centres and retail parks."
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"High streets ahead: Councils need to raise their game, and give retail a hand"
"Many people are keen to read the last rites to the British high street, which is always said to be in its death throes, even if – like Charles II – it seems to take 'an unconscionable time a-dying'. The rise of the car delivered the first blow decades ago. Once most people didn’t have to walk to the shops, a question mark was always going to hang over the little 'parade' down the road. Malls and internet shopping have stuck the dagger in further."
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